
为了交付以及融资 法拉第未来再次宣布领导层变动

  • 作者:
  • 来源:电车评论网
  • 时间:2019-11-16
  • 浏览:626
        这些举措将会帮助近期宣布的股权融资、IPO,以及FF 91及FF 81的交付计划
        2019年11月14日,洛杉矶 -- 总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的全球共享智能出行生态公司Faraday Future (FF)宣布了公司高级管理层变动,此举旨在继续增强公司领导团队实力,并为计划于2020年交付的首款超豪华量产车FF 91筹集资金。
        Bob Kruse将于本月加入FF,担任产品执行(工程以及制造)副总裁。 作为汽车行业的资深人士,Bob在通用汽车及其他咨询和初创公司中拥有30多年的专业经验。在加入FF之前,他担任了Karma及观致汽车的首席科技官。Bob将负责领导FF的整个产品开发、工程、以及制造团队。
        此外,Benedikt Hartman将于2020年1月出任FF全球供应链组织高级副总裁。他拥有30多年在宝马的工作经验,领导了多项采购和供应商计划,成功推出了多款车型,包括宝马5系,X3、3系和X2。更为重要的是,Benedikt在中国拥有非常强大的专业背景,他曾领导整个中国华晨宝马(BBA)全球供应链长达三年时间。
        “ FF正积极聘请新高层领导以增强公司实力,并加快下一阶段的融资活动。 我很高兴地宣布,除了Kruse和Hartman的加入之外,我们已经开始寻找公司的首席财务官,并已经确定了一些潜在候选人。新招募的CFO将是我们2021年首次公开募股计划中的一员重将。” FF的首席执行官毕福康博士说。 “此外,我也已经着手进行了一些相关的改革,以确保之后FF所有核心部门都拥有经验丰富且胜任的领导。”
        根据公司最新计划,FF 91将在成功完成股权融资后约9个月内开始交付。 新近宣布的FF 81 电动车及未来车型,以及下一代核心技术的开发准备工作也将尽快完成。 FF还计划在股权融资结束后的12至15个月内首次公开募股。 为了新计划的顺利执行,FF将整合所有内部和外部资源以促进其股权融资工作。
        “我有信心在此次正在实施的这一新的领导力计划以及保留高管核心人才的举措下,FF将继续实现其愿景并成功打造独特的产品,推动我们行业领先的技术,并不断强化FF的高科技人才梯队。” 毕福康博士说。
        Faraday Future Announces Senior Management Changes
        Company making changes to foster growth, spur fundraising efforts
        Planned initiatives will bolster recently announced strategy for equity funding, IPO, and delivering plans for FF 91 and FF 81
        LOS ANGELES, Novermber 14, 2019 –  Faraday Future (FF), a California-based global shared intelligent mobility ecosystem company, today announced senior management changes as it continues to bolster its leadership team and secure funding for the planned delivery of its first ultra-luxury production vehicle FF 91 in 2020.
        Upon his recent appointment as FF’s new Global CEO, Dr. Carsten Breitfeld stated that personnel changes will be part of a series of key adjustments in strengthening the management team, accelerating product delivery planning, R&D and operational cost reduction, and most importantly, fundraising and strengthening FF’s financing strategy.
        Bob Kruse will join FF this month as senior vice president, Product Execution (Engineering and Manufacturing). An automotive industry veteran with over 30 years of experience at GM and other consulting and start-up companies, Bob recently served as CTO at both Karma and Qoros to lead all product development and advanced technology. At FF, Bob will be responsible for leading the entire product development, engineering and manufacturing team. 
        Additionally, Benedikt Hartman, will be joining FF as senior vice president of the Global Supply Chain organization in January 2020. He comes to FF with over 30 years of experience at BMW where he led several purchasing and supplier initiatives, including the successful launches of BMW’s 5-series, X3, 3-series and X2. Furthermore, Benedikt owns a strong professional background in China, where he was responsible for the entire global supply chain of BMW-Brilliance (BBA) for 3 years.
        “FF is proactively hiring new leaders to strengthen the company and accelerate the next-stage of funding activities. I am excited to announce that in addition to Kruse and Hartman joining FF, we also have commenced the search for a CFO and have identified a number of potential candidates. This individual will be an essential part of our drive to an IPO in 2021” said Dr. Carsten Breitfeld, FF’s CEO. “In addition, I’ve made additional changes to ensure that all of FF’s core departments retain experienced and competent leadership moving forward.”
        According to the new plan, FF 91 will kick off its delivery in approximately 9 months following the closing of successful equity funding. The newly announced FF 81 EV and development preparation for future models and next-generation core technologies will be completed as soon as possible. FF will target an IPO within 12-15 months following the conclusion of equity financing. To fulfill the new plan, FF will integrate all internal and external resources to facilitate its equity financing efforts. 
        “I’m confident that with this new leadership initiative I’m implementing, along with the retention of a talented core of executives, FF will continue to build upon the original vision of FF and successfully build the unique products, push forward our class-leading technology and reinforce the highly skilled people that make up FF,” added Carsten.
        FF will announce more details on additional management changes, including the hiring of a new CFO in the near future.
        Faraday Future (FF) is a California-based global shared intelligent mobility eco-system company. Established in May 2014, FF is a global company, headquartered in Los Angeles. FF's vision is to create a shared intelligent mobility ecosystem that empowers everyone to move, connect, breathe and live freely.








